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Regulatory round-up

By Victor Smart and

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s just-published Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change report warns that missing the 1.5C Paris Agreement goal is now “almost inevitable” but says policymakers can bring global overheating within that limit if strong action is taken within this decade on energy sources and energy-intensive products. A few other points are worth noting.

Climate litigation. Some warn that legal action against companies is set to rise with the temperature. Louise Fournier, legal counsel for climate justice and liability at Greenpeace International, said: “In a historic first, the IPCC acknowledges the power of people going to court to assert their human rights in the face of the climate crisis. Governments, corporations and financial institutions, you’re officially on notice: align with the science and address fundamental injustices, or be forced to do so.”  

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